My new ride

I celebrated my birthday over the weekend and it was quite surreal to be in Japan turning another year older.  I’ve been so focused on getting us settled over here that I’m sure it could have come and gone and I wouldn’t have noticed had it not been for the boys counting down the days and reminding me how old I’ll be turning.  THANKS boys!

One of my dreams of living in Japan is to scoot around town on a “mama chari” – a momcycle complete with a kid’s seat and a basket.  Sure, most people dream about climbing Mt. Fuji, or soaking in outdoor tubs surrounded by snow monkeys.  I get that, and that’s on our list of things to do too.  I guess, I’m more practical.  I mean, how easy would it be to bike to my favorite Nitori (a slightly upscale Target) instead of walking to the station, taking the Osaka Metro (subway) and then walking to get to the store?  Well, Michael made that dream come true.  Here are my new wheels! 😁

I had to meet the delivery van out on the street and it came all bubble-wrapped and rubber banded, which made it a little tricky to bring back to the building.  But after carefully, unwrapping it, I was ready to roll.

First with just my backpack
Then with just one kid and my backpack
A deep breath before I take off with a full cargo
And there we go!

I know what you’re thinking: there we go, right into a light post.  Yes, I managed to avoid it at the last minute.  Biking with 2 kids in the seats is harder than you think.  Jack likes to play with the buttons and switch gears on me and Zachary likes to looks behind him, which throws off my center of gravity.  But every time I take them out for a spin, I feel so free and fully content.  Another item on the “Bucket List Japan” checked off.

6 thoughts on “My new ride

    1. 🤣 Thanks for looking out for my safety! Nobody wears helmets here. It’s surprising how quickly one adapts to their environment. But yes, I agree, it’s prudent to wear a helmet. Looks like I’m headed back to the bike store today!

  1. You are a brave girl!! Is that baby motorized?? Congrats on your new wheels. You’ll be zipping around town filling up that basket with all sorts of goodies. And think of how strong you’ll be with 2 kids in tow! Where will you store it? Fourth bedroom? 😉 Have fun with it and be safe…🤗💓

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